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Mortgages for Self Employed With 1 Year's Accounts

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People often ask that is it possible having 1 year accounts sole trader mortgage. So the answer is simple ‘Yes’. Any person can get mortgage. There must be two reasons that you are here, the one maybe you planning to apply for 1 year account of sole trader mortgage and you are not so sure that what will happen. Its fact that getting self-employed mortgage of 1 year of account is hard and can be difficult.

Fortunately it’s possible to get self-employed mortgage of 1 year sole, all you need to have a right advice. Becoming self-employed is something unexplainable, its feeling which can’t be explain in words. The best thing in self-employment is that you will do work with your own comfort when you want do that when you don’t want so you are not doing that.

Let’s look to the requirement which enables person to obtain mortgage after just one year trading:

Trading enough profit:

The first thing is that you need to do enough trading in just one year to make enough profit within your first age are at any age that maybe 1 year 2 year 3 year and so on. And that is the very first requirement that you have to earn at the first stage. There are couple of mortgage they consider giving you mortage based on your 1st year achievement. If you are looking for Sole Trader Self Employed Income for Mortage, then do let us know

Sustainable income:

In this place the main thing which lander looking is that is this income could be sustainable, can you maintain same income, or can you increase it more with the time passes that you’re using to apply for mortgage and that is main thing which should be answer, so having good understanding of business and being able to present it to a mortgage lender, this can really really helpful. 


Even if you're a sole-trader contractors who has not yet completed a year of business, you may be able to deduct your day-rate earnings.

Evidence of bank account: 

One should have to provide a bank account that is well used and having many transactions and having saving, some of the lenders check banks to get satisfy.

Business effect on mortgage:

  • Your business's nature is unlikely to have an impact on your mortgage prospects. It’s because lenders will base their decisions on your company's earnings. This is done to see if the mortgage you're looking for is affordable.

Business high chances to get mortage:

Sole traders have a simple way of making money. You and your firm are technically the same thing if you're a single trader, and all earnings belong to you. A mortgage lender will evaluate these gains. Your lender will likely look at your SA302 alongside your business records to see how much money you've made and how much tax you owe. Lenders will examine your income over the last several years to determine if it has risen or reduced. If it has grown, they may consider the average revenue for the previous two or three years. If it has fallen, lenders may instead look at the most recent and lowest data.

Limited companies chances:

This is, once again, a possibility. Lenders will look at your Salary and Dividends, or income and share of net earnings, after corporate tax, to determine your creditworthiness. Some lenders, however, will accept pre-tax earnings.

Now which document will be require to for apply mortgage?

At the very beginning you will need a newest tax returns, which will be mostly in form of an SA302. 

Now we will come to papers, mostly mortgage lenders will ask you someof below documents

  • Bank statements:

In this case lender will need to see the bank statement of outgoing and incoming. This process will make him sure about bank statement and can also lead you to recommendation the right mortgage for you.

  • Address verification: 

They will ask you utility bills, electricity bills and any other document that can be easily available with you, that documents will make sure you about your address and make you correct, that must be due date asked by the mortgage lender.

  • Your ID: 

You will have to provide the scan copy of your id card. That maybe driving license or passport.