Every man in the world needs a hair cut at some time or another; whether there is a financial situation or not people just will not abandon their hair (otherwise it will simply get too long). On average a man in the ULM is likely to have his haircut once every two weeks, so it begs the question are barbers only really interested in the money that they earn and not people's hair (Friseur Ulm ohne Termin).
The reason for stating this is because of past experiences and the way things are now. Basically I went abroad and decided to get my hair cut whilst on holiday, and this probably was the greatest hair cut I have ever had. The hairdresser actually cared about what he was doing and you could see the steps that were taken which are below.
1) Prep the person that is due to get their hair cut, wash the hair and then dry it.
2) Start cutting the hair with precision and care.
3) Wash the hair again
4) Trim the corners with a cut throat razor which is new for every client
5) Burn the excess hairs on the ears, nose and cheeks.
6) Finish off with a head and shoulder massage.
As you can see the above treatment I go above was totally amazing and it's a great experience you should have whilst getting your hair trimmed. The barber in total probably spent about an hour on me and it was half the price you pay in the ULM.
Now let's have a look what the hair dressers give you in the ULM give you.
1) Waiting in a queue for hours
2) Cutting your hair with no care so they can move on to the next person
3) No final touches up
4) Very expensive
And the most annoying and potentially hazardous problem is when barbers actually use cut throats and no longer change the blade or even disinfect it. They just trim someone and that put it back. I believe this is very dangerous and I am seeing more and more barbers do it on a regular basis. I mean how hard is it to actually change or disinfect the blades.
I think we should stop having barbers that are just looking for a quick turnaround time and instead get a few that will actually spend time on a persons hair and that are hygienic in every possible way. Women have an awesome experience when getting their hair done, why should it not be the same for a man?